
Wednesday, 16 April 2014

With many many thanks...

Imagine being in a room with a window low enough to see something of the outside, but just too high to really see the lay of the land properly (though something of the outside is visible, it's only really the sky you can see; occasional better sight of the ground can be established by jumping with all your might but you can snatch only split second views before you fall back down).  This is what it feels like from the point of view of an overexcited and perhaps overzealous debutant novelist based in the UK who is trying hard via Google to keep a cyber eye on the main action taking place in the USA and whose book has been officially available for purchase for less than three weeks.

So here we are.  Two and a bit weeks into April, and the fact that I am beginning to forget how little time has actually passed, and just how obsessed I may sound is marginally concerning. 

Mindful that my long suffering Facebook friends are continuing to patiently bear with my somewhat one track posts, and mindful of the speed at which forgetfulness can kick in, I wish to create a gratitude list: 

  • Grateful to every generous soul who has celebrated this success with me.  (I was especially touched to receive a congratulations card out of the blue from an aunt.)

  • Grateful to the people who have given their time to read and review the novel (and those still engaged in such an endeavour).  Your gift has been a real boost for the book's launch.  So thank you. 

  • Grateful to the dozens of friends who have sportingly (if you listen to yourself say that slowly it will uncannily sound like supportingly) like the Hope Facebook  fan page, and, so, willingly submit themselves to the possibility of double updates from me. 

  • Grateful that Hope is now on the shelves at Deseret Book--and selling. 

  • Grateful that copies are being sent out by post--including my complimentary copies--really looking forward to handling the physical product.  Don't tell my kids, but I plan to give each of them a copy with a personal message.  (Just what they wanted, you say?  I know!) 

  • Grateful to be finding the book has been picked up by Independent LDS retailers: in addition to the main market in the USA, this includes Canada and the UK.

  • Grateful to be able to say, finally, to my wife and children the waiting is over: the novel is now on sale. 

Thursday, 3 April 2014